Groupe Hyundai Gabriel

Hyundai Service in Montreal 

Achat, vente, location, échange et entretien

Hyundai Gabriel est votre concessionnaire de choix pour tout service d'entretien et de réparation exécuté par des techniciens formés et certifiés par Hyundai Canada. Nous n'utilisons que des pièces d'origine Hyundai. Vous pouvez planifier vous-même votre rendez-vous d'entretien et de réparation avec notre équipe, et ce, pour plus d'efficacité et de rapidité.

Service Center

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Please use our online form to schedule your next service appointment. We are available to answer all your questions and welcome you as soon as possible.

Parts & Accessories

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Groupe Hyundai Gabriel has one of the largest inventory of parts and accessories in Montreal. Whatever product you need, we have it!

Bodywork & Repairs

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Groupe Hyundai Gabriel offers full service repairs under one roof for all types of body work. Book an online appointment for a free estimate of your required repairs.

Mechanic & Maintenance

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You only need a few minutes to book an online appointment with our service and maintenance department at Groupe Hyundai Gabriel.

Detailing & Car Wash

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Your car deserves to be cleaned by professionals on a regular basis. The car detailing service at Groupe Hyundai Gabriel in Montreal will bring back the 'new look' to your car in no time!

Check Recalls

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Find out if your vehicle has any outstanding recall or product update notices.

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    IMPORTANT: You can easily remove your consent at any time!